PRIVACY – EU Regulation n. 679/2016 (GDPR)
It has its own Privacy Policy and adopts the security measures necessary to guarantee the protection of personal data right from the design phase (“Privacy_by_Design”).
This protection is also set by default (“Privacy_by_Default”).
Sharelock Srl takes the utmost consideration of every aspect of data protection, and for this reason there is the mailbox to the collection of any request for information, verification or modification on the subject of data processing.
Your privacy preferences
Sharelock Srl has always intended to offer maximum transparency, and take advantage of the “EU Cookie Law” to report on this page the methods of use of cookies on its website, emphasizing that the site itself has essentially informative and popular purposes our skills.
The Webflow platform was chosen because it allows the visitor a pleasant consultation, and to us an easier management of the content gradually published.
The site was not designed with the aim of collecting visitor data, however it is useful for us to create statistics (absolutely aggregated and depersonalized) regarding those who consult our web pages, in order to better adapt them to those who actually attend them.
Duration: 2 Years
This cookie is associated with Google Universal Analytics, which also includes the following cookie (_gat).It aims to distinguish one visitor from the other, and works by assigning a randomly generated “identifier” to it. It allows you to create statistics on navigation (e.g. pages visited or country of origin). It typically has a 2-year shelf life (more information on
Duration: 2 Years
Associated with the previous one (_ga), it is used to limit the collection of information on navigation in case of traffic (more information on
Duration: 2 Years
It is a purely technical cookie that stores the user’s acceptance of the information highlighted in the banner that appears at the top of the site (and which facilitates the arrival on this explanatory page).
Cookies Explained
As already clarified, cookies are basically used to make navigation easier and allow easier and more complete use of the contents of the site.
They are nothing but small text files, which are stored on your PC for the purpose of being consulted by the WebServer on the occasion of visits following the first.
It is therefore possible to delete them from your PC (the procedure depends on the browser used) without any consequence and without suffering any discomfort.
If so, you can set your browser so that it doesn’t store them right, or remove them at the end of the session.In this case, when the browser is closed, the cookies will be automatically deleted.